The Factors Affecting the Competitive Advantage of Thai Cassava Yard Entrepreneurs in Udon Thani Province

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Theerawat Hinkaew


The purposes of this study were to study the competitive pressures of cassava yard operators, to study the strategy for building competitive advantage in business operations of cassava yard operators and to study the impact of competitive pressure on cassava yard business advantage in Udon Thani Province. The population of the study was 75 people and 59 people for the sample who were selected using Krejcie & Morgan’s table. The data received were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple regression analysis. The research found that 1) Competitive pressure of cassava yard entrepreneurs in Udon Thani Province overall effect was at a high level  which presented the mean at 4.43 . Therefore, every section which received highest to lowest scores were demonstrated respectively. Firstly, pressure from the bargaining power of buyers section showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.48. Secondly, pressure from the same competitors in the industry section had a high level at the mean of 4.48. Thirdly, the pressure of substitute products section had a high level at the mean of 4.44. Fourthly, the pressure of entering the industry of new competitors section had a high level at the mean 4.42. Lastly, the pressure from bargaining power of raw material suppliers section had a high level at the 4.31.  2)  Results of a study on strategies for building competitive advantages in business operations of cassava yard entrepreneurs in Udon Thani Province. The overall effect was at a high level  which presented the mean at 4.09. In descending order as follows: low cost leadership strategy showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.49, strategies to focus on specific markets showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.31, innovation strategy showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.16, fast response strategy showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.00 and the differentiation strategy showed a high level and presented the mean at 3.53. and 3) Results of a study on the effects of competitive pressure on cassava yard business advantage in Udon Thani Province found that the competitive pressure from the same competitors in the industry, new competitor, pressure of substitute products, the bargaining power of buyers and the bargaining power of raw material suppliers influence and affect the competitive advantage of cassava yard operators in Udon Thani Province and influencing the competitive advantage of cassava yard entrepreneurs was significantly at the 0.05 level.

Keywords: Factors affecting, new entrant pressure, pressure of the original competitors, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers of raw materials, substitutes and competitive advantages.

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How to Cite
Hinkaew, T. . (2022). The Factors Affecting the Competitive Advantage of Thai Cassava Yard Entrepreneurs in Udon Thani Province . Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Social Science Journal, 2565(2), 53–71. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Theerawat Hinkaew, Pitchayabundit College

Faculty of Business Adminitration, 


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