Community Participation in the Environment Restoration to Promote Tourism for Doi Tao Lake, Doi Tao District Chiangmai Province

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Chanistha Jaipeng


The purpose of this research article is 1) to study the community context and environmental management of Doi Tao Lake and 2) to study community participation in the environmental restoration to promote tourism of Doi Tao Lake, Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai Province. This research is a qualitative research and data are collected form in-depth interviewing, key informants in this study were 50 people select by purposive sampling. The statistics used for analysis the data were frequency distribution, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and presented by using content analysis methods. The results founded that 1) Doi Tao Lake is an important natural attraction of Doi Tao District. Most of the tourists come here to admire the natural beauty and there are also many nearby tourist attractions and various types, 2) the community participates in environmental restoration to promote tourism of Doi Tao Lake, in terms of participation in decision-making, participation in operations participation in receiving benefits and participation in the evaluation, which the group leaders and committees are an important persons in coordinating with government agencies and then distributing information.

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How to Cite
Jaipeng, C. (2023). Community Participation in the Environment Restoration to Promote Tourism for Doi Tao Lake, Doi Tao District Chiangmai Province. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 12(2), 18–28. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Chanistha Jaipeng, Christian University of Thailand

Tourism and Hospitality Management of Multidisciplinary College


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