The Worries about Communication before having the Internship of the Fourth Year Students of Suan Dusit University

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Sirima Chiengchaovai
Saisuda Pantrakool


The objective of this research were to study the worries about internship of the 4th year students in semester 2/2565 of Suan Dusit University; and to compare the worries divide by faculty, moreover, they will have work experience in semester 2/2565.  255 sampled group was the 4th year students from every faculty and school. The instrument for this research was a questionnaire.  The statistics for the data analysis were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, and One Way ANOVA. The research results showed that the sampling group was worry about the internship at high level (x̄ = 3.66).  When studying each aspect, it was found that: aspect 1: The worries about applying for the internship 1.1) Preparing the document for applying to the internship was at the high level (x̄ = 4.30), 1.2) Writing the document for applying to the internship was at the high level (x̄ = 4.17), and 1.3) Speaking for applying to the internship was at the high level (x̄ = 4.09). While Aspect 2: The worries about communication in the internship situation 2.1) Solving facing problem in working situation was at the high level (x̄ = 4.19), 2.2) Communication with people in working place was at the high level (x̄ = 4.12), and 2.3) Demeanor in working place was at high level (x̄ = 4.05). Comparison of the worries divided by faculty showed that students from different faculties worry about internships which were different with a statistical significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Chiengchaovai, S., & Pantrakool, S. . (2023). The Worries about Communication before having the Internship of the Fourth Year Students of Suan Dusit University. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 12(2), 50–61. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Sirima Chiengchaovai, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University

1Department of Thai, Faculty of Humanities

Saisuda Pantrakool, Suan Dusit University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


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