Management Model for Work Achievement of General Parliamentary Officials in the Next Normal
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The Parliament consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate has duties and powers in the legislative and other areas including receiving complaints from the people and listening to the opinions of the public in considering the law. The impact of the COVID-19 virus outbreak caused parliamentary officials to face difficulties in their work Organization as the need to increase necessary skills to be consistent with the changes in the present era. These changes are expected. the researcher determines the objectives of
the research which consists of 1) to study the level of variables that affect ordinary parliamentary civil servants in the next era. 2) to study the causal factors affecting achievement of ordinary parliamentary civil servants in the next era, and 3) to present the management model for achievement of ordinary parliamentary civil servants in the next era.
The research found that
- Level of the achievement of work of parliamentary officials, wellness culture, work from home, innovative work behavior and operator adaptation were all rated at a high level.
- Work from home had the most overall affect the achievement of work of parliamentary officials followed by innovative work behavior, operator adaptation and wellness culture respectively
- Management model for work achievement of general parliamentary officials in the next normal namely there is planning and setting goals; Monitor and evaluate performance and continually improve efficiency; and performance happiness at work. This comes from receiving praise, advancement, and safety at work including factors on the personal side, working from home being ready to use all forms of technology, using technology to be beneficial and consistent with work behavior for creating innovation in work.
This includes applied thinking (applicative thinking) by putting something to good use and by adapting appropriately to the specific conditions of the original role to suit the various contexts in the organization.
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