Industrial Cluster in Economic Governance Perspective Toward a Theory of Cluster


  • สุรศักดิ์ ไชยธนกิจ Independent researcher


Regardless of its theoretical strength, Michael Porter’s (1990) cluster concept has provoked tremendous academic interest in industrial clusters as well as its applicable potential for economic development. Though these studies help shed some light on several properties of cluster, they have not been able to pave a way for establishing a widely accepted and robust theory of cluster. An urgent need to expedite the economic development of Thailand amidst globalized competition continuingly pushes all parties concerned to search for a solid theory of cluster, an attempt that may help laying a ground for more effective policy formulation and implementation. Numerous existing academic evidences of clusters across the globe support the notion of their distinctive forms with higher economic efficiency, and warrant us to make a serious academic scrutiny into their institutional nature. Some recent studies reveal clusters’ several properties, considered compatible to an economic governance system. Based on a number of evidences, the Trimiti economic governance theory, which has been recently introduced for analyzing societal economic governance, appears capable of explaining all major aspects and properties of these industrial clusters. Thus this study employs the Trimiti theory aiming at evaluating the legitimacy of industrial cluster from an economic governance perspective, an effort that may also lead us toward an establishment of industrial cluster theory. The insight gained in this paper exposes us to the potential and possibility for employing cluster concept as ananalytical tool in various economic arenas including a group of firms, industries, provinces,
regions and countries.


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How to Cite

ไชยธนกิจ ส. (2018). Industrial Cluster in Economic Governance Perspective Toward a Theory of Cluster. Thailand and The World Economy, 26(3), 41–89. Retrieved from