ICNSF-Honor Society: Adopt a Learner Program In Aid of the Learning Gap Experienced by the ICNSF Learners

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Ryan Michael Togonon


This research was undertaken to give aid to the learning gap of the learners caused by the two-year lockdown brought about by the global pandemic. The intervention was crafted under the leadership and supervision of the EsP Club-ICNSF Honor Society which is the official school organization for honor students. The Senior High School members of the club were the ones tasked to do the remediation under the Adopt a Learner Program by the said club.  In observance of the “No Disruption of Classes” Policy of the Department of Education, the Chairman and Club Adviser handed a letter stipulating the purpose of the program as well as the schedule for the remediation which was set every second period of their LRCP that ran for three consecutive months (October-December 2022) which was then approved by the school administration. Because of the number of available SHS club members the ratio of the remedial was at minimal thus arriving at a small sample size (n=8). The participants were from the JHS department and were chosen as identified by their respective   classroom advisers as learners having academic challenges. The study measured the effectiveness of the program   in relation to the learners’ academic performance and class participation as observed by their class adviser with their class record and anecdotal as the primary basis for their responses to the survey form they answered. The results showed that effectiveness and class participation increase and the relationship are statistically significant τb = .260, p=.473. This implies that, as per observation by their adviser, their performance in the classroom has improved and is moderately attributed to the intervention provided-the adopt a learner program. However, Effectiveness and Improved Academics were not found to be significant which is constant to the perception of the participants.  

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How to Cite
Togonon, R. M. (2023). ICNSF-Honor Society: Adopt a Learner Program In Aid of the Learning Gap Experienced by the ICNSF Learners. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 3(3), 143–150. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/arnje/article/view/266056
Research Article


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