Enhancing Senior High School Students' Research Knowledge and Skills Through COINS

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Maria Cindy Cardona


Contextualized instruction, as a teaching approach is designed to link the learning of foundational content and skills by focusing teaching and learning squarely on concrete applications in a specific context that is of interest to the students. The primary goal of this study was to determine how contextualized instruction affects the research knowledge and skills among senior high school students. An experimental research, particularly the one-group pretest and posttest design were utilized. A total of fifty (50) Grade 12 students currently enrolled in practical research subject was purposely chosen as the respondents of this study. The results revealed that there was a significant difference in the students’ performance in terms of achievement test and research skills. This implies that the use of contextualized instruction is considered a potential approach for teaching research subject. Further investigation was done to determine the effect size using Cohen’s D. It was found that out that use of contextualized instruction had a medium and large effect on students’ achievement and research skills, respectively. Contextualized instruction can be used as strategy in enhancing research knowledge and skills of the students. Hence, it is recommended that this approach can be adapted to provide a more meaningful and engaging learning experiences in learning research subject and other areas of discipline.

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How to Cite
Cardona, M. C. (2023). Enhancing Senior High School Students’ Research Knowledge and Skills Through COINS. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 3(3), 151–156. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/arnje/article/view/267035
Research Article


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