Student Teachers’ Perception on Using Stakeholders’ Discussion as a Teaching Strategy in Engaging in Active Learning and Critical Thinking

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Kong Sam Ol
Boreyphal Kim
Seanghour Srun


Teaching methods and strategies are considered to engaging in active learning and critical thinking skill that have the highest impact on students’ learning performance and support the development of the learners’ characteristics. The aim of this study was to find out student teachers’ perception on Using Stakeholders’ Discussion as a teaching strategy in engaging student teachers’ active learning and to improve critical thinking skill of general science- Environmental subject. The qualitative research was used by applying survey design for conducting the research and the participants of the research were the first-year student teachers (75). The research was conducted with observation, distributed questionnaire, and conducted interview. It was found that the student teachers had a positive perception on the use of Stakeholders’ Discussion as teaching strategy in engaging in active learning and critical thinking skill. Most respondents agreed that Stakeholders’ Discussion can help them in improving in learning performance and critical thinking skill; 57.89% strongly agree and 42.11% agree. However, the research was also found the student teachers’ negative perception about the difficulty in having an internet access to support the data for Stakeholders’ Discussion. For the contribution in active learning, Stakeholders’ Discussion can make student teachers’ learning performance skill acceptable and effective. While for the contribution in critical thinking, Stakeholders’ Discussion can make the student teachers’ critical thinking skill develop well. Finally, the future research is expected and it will focus on dealing with the shortcomings issue about the negative perception of internet access for learning materials so that any strengths and weaknesses can be identified and solved.

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How to Cite
Sam Ol, K., Kim, B., & Srun, S. (2023). Student Teachers’ Perception on Using Stakeholders’ Discussion as a Teaching Strategy in Engaging in Active Learning and Critical Thinking. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 3(3), 157–174. Retrieved from
Research Article


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