Space Design on Stage in Thai Dance Performance

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ณัฐพร เพ็ชรเรือง


The creation of Thai dancing art workpiece is proceeded throughout costumes, music, posture and scene to represent the performance to the public vividly. Director and choreographer are required tobe acknowledged of stage aspects and stagecraft for space designing on stage. According to the analytic research of Thai dancing performance, Thai dance art is generally delivered the performance by Proscenium Stage or the illusion technique to frame stage space. Director will divide stage into 9 parts which can be designed into 2 different types. Firstly, Thai Classical Dance, the protagonist essentially stays at the center of stage. Second, Thai Modern Dance, dancers are more likely to change their position around stage. However, stagecraft and design are principally requiring balancing, unity and movement direction for the performance elements’ integrity.

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How to Cite
เพ็ชรเรือง ณ. (2018). Space Design on Stage in Thai Dance Performance. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 17(22), 54–59. Retrieved from
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