The Establishment of Community Theater KANTANA MOVIE MALL

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จุฑา มนัสไพบูลย์
ธนามล ธนสถิตย์


his research’s purposes are to study the watching movies behavior of local people to community theater business “KANTANA MOVIE MALL” and to study on the satisfaction of local people and demand factors of surrounding communities for the business. Using qualitative methods through interviews and using quantitative methods through questionnaires. Study through community theater “KANTANA MOVIE MALL” in 4 provinces, for theaters is already open include Phayao and Surat Thani, and the movie theater is under construction include Trat and Nakhon Phanom. The research found that most of the samples know and are interested in community theater “KANTANA MOVIE MALL” and recognize that community movie theater that screened at a reasonable price. Samples in 4 provinces offer promotions to attract more people and have clear marketing communications. Besides, there are also additional factors in other aspects of non-cinema such as local market and food and drink which has been very interested. The revenue from movie ticket sales and community mall is an additional income. In summary, the results of the four provinces show that they can meet the needs of local people at a certain level and can provide entertainment for local people in remote areas. Marketing communications must be tailored to local contexts and in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

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How to Cite
มนัสไพบูลย์ จ., & ธนสถิตย์ ธ. (2018). The Establishment of Community Theater KANTANA MOVIE MALL. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 17(22), 37–44. Retrieved from
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