Trans-communication of the Royal Writing “Klai Ban”

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ศิริชัย ศิริกายะ
ยุทธนา สุวรรณรัตน์


The objectives of this research are to understand the characteristics of trans-communication of the royal writing “Klai Ban” in each stage of creation, and to find the features of communication elements which occurred when there was a trans-communication in Klai Ban. To study this topic, the researcher employed qualitative method by analyzing Klai Ban which was presented in the form of the royal hand-writing letter, book and television food documentary program. Moreover, the depth interviewing approach was also used to find the relationship between communication elements which created meaning in Klai Ban. The study found that the trans-communication in Klai Ban shown the relationship that the preceding medium transformed to be a message in the next stage. Besides, there was hybridization of media which were together in the form of symbiosis. Subsequently, the communication elements also changed their status and created the text collaboratively. Finally, there were changes in communication and meta-communication when the communication was transformed through the context of time and space.

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How to Cite
ศิริกายะ ศ., & สุวรรณรัตน์ ย. (2017). Trans-communication of the Royal Writing “Klai Ban”. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 16(21), 117–124. Retrieved from
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