The Use of Make-up Codes on Selected Ceremonial Contexts

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กฤษณ์ คำนนท์


The purpose of this article is to analyze the use of make-up codes on selected ceremonial contexts. To study how the code transfers the meaning on communication process, it was based on the concepts of Roman Jacobson’s communication model, semiology, co-text, intertexuality, simulation, and identity. According to the study, it was found that the code has changed and differed as these followings; 1.The Royal Ploughing Ceremonies In the ceremony, high-context communication is used. The context code is shown as “make-up code” to construct the meaning of the 4 beauty queens. 2. Thai traditional wedding ceremonies In case of wedding ceremony, Low-context communication is used. Make-code performes as context code for the constructed meaning of brides. 3. Official-private ceremonies Mid-level context communication is used in case of graduation ceremonies. The code is partially as context to express the constructed meaning of the ceremony entries. Keywords code, make-up, context, selected ceremony.

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How to Cite
คำนนท์ ก. (2017). The Use of Make-up Codes on Selected Ceremonial Contexts. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 16(20), 94–105. Retrieved from
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