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กิตติธัช ศรีฟ้า


This research aims to design and create a font for Siam University. This font can be used in a document and it’s characteristics are unique to Thailand. This font is important as it will belong to Siam University once they are able to get copy rights. Creative process 1. The study details insight into the context of Siam University. 2. Define the concept. 3. The design process to create a series of letters. 4. Design in stripes illustrator. 5. The process of producing a series of letters in a computer program. Research Result This research provides a clear idea of carrying out a desired Thai design within the font both in Thai and in English. The goal is for Siam University to have it’s own font and to own the copyright. The trial design for the fonts of Siam University will be available in various documents, including Thai and English. When typing up the documents will be legible, clean and the Thai design will appear in the font. The university of Siam can register the patent of this font. Once it has been patented then the research will have been a success as per the expectations set out.

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How to Cite
ศรีฟ้า ก. (2017). FONT DESIGN OF SIAM UNIVERSITY. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 16(20), 121–130. Retrieved from
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