Movie Distribution Channel of Independent Filmmaker: Case Study of PBTB Movie

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อธิเมศร์ อรุณโรจน์อังกูร
มนฤดี ธาดาอำนวยชัย


This research aims to study the concept of production and distribution of Thai independent filmmaker and also analyze data collected from audiences. Research tool is depth interviews of 3 people involving in PBTB movie’s creation and distribution. The survey collected from 56 audiences, and analyzing by descriptive statistics that are frequency and percentage. It was found that the filmmaker had used the reflection of the Northeast traditional presenting in funny and artistic thoughts to be the concept in the production of this movie and also used public relations strategy through online media, which make success in the response of the audience, and also distributor in the Northeast is interested, and asked for being a distribution representative. The guidelines that the exclusive distributor choose to release only in the Northeast instead of centralized distribution method. Results of the study also show the processes in production through the end, as well as how to apply public relations strategy through social media before distribution. However, the lack of advertising budget and knowledge about the distribution channel in Thailand caused the lack of support in distributing and budget. In addition, research has shown the effects of using public relations through online media, which help reaching the appropriate target audiences. Thus, audiences who had seen the movie shared the posts in Social Network. These causes successful in the response of audiences that build a box office of 14 million baht just in the Northeastern area only. Moreover, the theatres in Bangkok asking the movie to exhibit in that period after the successful in Northeastern area.

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How to Cite
อรุณโรจน์อังกูร อ., & ธาดาอำนวยชัย ม. (2017). Movie Distribution Channel of Independent Filmmaker: Case Study of PBTB Movie. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 16(20), 169–180. Retrieved from
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