The study of HongHoon: the unfailing art of play script writing

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วรสิริ วัดเข้าหลาม
วรวุฒิ ทัดบรรทด


This research study aims to analyze the process of aesthetics creation in the play script entitled HongHoon or “Crack my Sin” by qualitative research methods. The process of narration in the script of radio play, television play, and screenplay was studied. The original script for radio play was adapted with the aim of fostering Thai people’s ethics and morals through the interpretation of socialization message. Content analysis was used as the main method of analysis. Interviews and related documents were also employed for analysis with the following frameworks: Social Constructionism, Narration, Communication Technology Determinism, and Socialization Message. The study reveals that the original script created for a radio play by Kantana group was inspired by the playwright Somsook Kanjaruek’s inspiration coupled with narratives from those she knows. When adapted for television play in 2003, the plot remained the same. When it was made into film in 2014, the same theme of Buddhism’s karma rules was still maintained with a new plot presentation to suit the current social contexts. Furthermore, the experience of the producers is the main factor influencing how the message of HongHoon was conveyed to the viewers. The result is the constructed reality and body of knowledge for the society emphasizing the importance of education and family. It was found that HongHoon accomplished in its media role to maintain established social norms. This study of HongHoon’s play scripts can help widen people’s perspectives about social reality.

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How to Cite
วัดเข้าหลาม ว., & ทัดบรรทด ว. (2016). The study of HongHoon: the unfailing art of play script writing. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 15(18), 7–19. Retrieved from
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