The Production Process of Score Soundtrack of Selected Snack Advertisements

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กนกวรรณ พันสิทธิวรกุล
สุธี พลพงษ์


Research on "The Production Process of Score Soundtrack of Selected Snack Advertisements", a qualitative research, collect the field of depth interview from music producers directly, aims to study the production process of score soundtracks, the company manufactures receivers soundtrack of selected snack in 3 categories. This is a product with high sales, it is very popular, including 1.Crisps brand Lay's flavor scallops with garlic butter 2.Oreo cookie brand 3.Layer cake brand Else vanilla, to look and find the difference. The results showed that the production process of score soundtrack of selected snack are alike, which is the song of Jingle, a song composed for new products in particular, has a length of 30 seconds and looks different, by the score soundtrack, Crisps brand Lay's flavor scallops with garlic butter is the original music, lyrics and tune up, the process of producing of 10-step, there are four ways to create the music, singing and showing the advertisement by two famous presenters which are Nadech Kogimiya and Arussaya Sperband. The score soundtrack of cookie brand Oreo, this is an applied music, the melody composing lyrics in English, then composed in Thai, the process of producing are six steps, by step forward the recording and mixing the responsible party, there are three ways to create the music, film, presented in the form of an animation. The score soundtrack layer cake branded Else vanilla flavor, this is an applied music, used the famous folk song lyrics and then tuned up again, with the production process ninth step, by step forward the recording and mixing the responsible party, there are six ways to create the music, presents films by actor Copy Show renowned folk singer.

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How to Cite
พันสิทธิวรกุล ก., & พลพงษ์ ส. (2016). The Production Process of Score Soundtrack of Selected Snack Advertisements. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 15(18), 145–157. Retrieved from
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