Creating the Conceptual Framework in Dancing based on the Idea of Aesthetic Communication: Case Study of Performance Series “In the Spirit”

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วณิชชา ภราดรสุธรรม


This article aims to create the conceptual framework in dancing based on the idea of aesthetic communication as a starting point to create of a dance by using case studies to create the conceptual framework from “In the Spirit”. The process is as follows: 1. Disassembling the model shows that this kind of art is in a form of communication. 2. Defining that Thai dance communication is an imaginative communication in a group that has a dramatic or drama structure in some aspects. After framing ideas in this process. This will allow choreographer to continue on the process until the day of actual performance.

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How to Cite
ภราดรสุธรรม ว. (2019). Creating the Conceptual Framework in Dancing based on the Idea of Aesthetic Communication: Case Study of Performance Series “In the Spirit”. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 18(24), 188–194. Retrieved from
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