Marketing Mix and Decision Making of Users in Bangkok to Order Food Influencing Satisfaction in Lineman Application

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เพ็ญวิภา เพชร์จั่น
กาญจนา มีศิลปวิกกัย


The purpose of the research “marketing mix and decision making of users in Bangkok to order food influencing satisfaction in Lineman application” is to study the factors that influence the user satisfaction in Lineman application to order food. In addition, other factors, with 416 samples through the user satisfaction surveys, it was found that the marketing mix and decision making of users to order food have affected their satisfaction. Such as demographic characteristics and behaviors of users toward food ordering are also the influence. The frequency, percentage, means, standard deviations, comparison of the means of the samples, were analyzed by independent T-test and One-way Anova. When the significant differences are at the level of 0.05, the significant differences of the means would be tested by using paired samples to find linear regression. Pearson correlation would be used to find the relationship between the decision making of users to order food and their satisfaction in Lineman application. In the study, the different demographic characteristics influenced the user satisfaction in using Lineman application to order food but the age, education, places and operation systems of cell phones of the users did not. The behaviors of users toward food ordering affected their satisfaction but their planning did not. The consequences of marketing mix (7P) and different decision making of users affected their satisfaction. In the same way, the user satisfaction in using Lineman application was related to their decision making on ordering food.

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How to Cite
เพชร์จั่น เ., & มีศิลปวิกกัย ก. (2019). Marketing Mix and Decision Making of Users in Bangkok to Order Food Influencing Satisfaction in Lineman Application. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 18(2), 183–190. Retrieved from
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