The Exposure Behavior and Satisfaction on Food Delivery Applications Among Bangkok Metropolis Residents

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ฐานทัศน์ ชมภูพล
เอกสิทธิ์ อวยชัยวัฒน์
ปวรรศ จันทร์เพ็ญ


The purposes of this research were to study exposure behavior, the satisfaction of food delivery application among Bangkok metropolis residents. Questionnaires were used to collect the data from a total of 450 samples.

The research results are as followings: The food delivery application, which is the most known and used is Line Man 388 (86.20%) following by Grab Food 369 (82.0%). As the type of media that the sample has access to Food Delivery Application is the most online media 365 (81.10%) following by friends recommended 254 (56.4%).

Overall, the satisfaction of the sample group on the use of Food Delivery applications found that the sample group had a high level of satisfaction with the use of Food Delivery applications. At a high level the total average is 3.95 (very). The sample group is satisfied with the issue. "You choose to use the Food Delivery application when there are shipping discounts" with the highest mean of 4.30 (Very Satisfied) and are satisfied with the issue. "Can use the express service or can call in advance" with the lowest mean of 3.81 (Satisfied)

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How to Cite
ชมภูพล ฐ. ., อวยชัยวัฒน์ เ. ., & จันทร์เพ็ญ ป. . (2020). The Exposure Behavior and Satisfaction on Food Delivery Applications Among Bangkok Metropolis Residents. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 19(1), 105–116. Retrieved from
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