The Creation of a Dance from Chaos Theory

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Vanicha Paradonsutham


This research article “The creation of a dance from Chaos theory” is a part of thesis of doctor of fine and applied arts, faculty of fine and applied arts. The objective is to study the creative style from the creation of a dance from chaos theory using research methods, qualitative research and creative research. The research tools consist of surveying documentary data, interviews, information media, observation, tacit knowledge of the researcher and artist benchmarks. The result shows that the style of the creation of a dance from chaos theory consists of 8 elements in the performance which are 1) Script:  designed by using chaos theory analysis from the researcher (4 acts) 2) Casting: The researcher select actors with a variety of acting skills, including body shape, skin color, and gender in the performance. 3) Movements: the researcher designs the style of movement in daily life according to the concepts of postmodern dance. 4) Costume and makeup: The researcher re-design the daily costumes to make a different from the original styles and use white makeup to reduce the facial expressions of the actors.5) Show props: use props that are easily seen in everyday life 6) Sound and music: the researcher design the sound and music to be consistent with the script and use the method of recording and editing sound by computer program. 7) Scene and stage: the researchers design the scene by using video projection on the stage background and also the actors. Using black box theatre for the performance  8) Lighting: the researcher’s lighting design is to mainly determine the area on the stage and create an empathy in the performance.

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How to Cite
Paradonsutham, V. ., & CHARASSRI, N. . (2020). The Creation of a Dance from Chaos Theory . Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 30–44. retrieved from
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