Narrative Device of Internet Fiction in Thai Society

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รัตติยา กาญจนาภิญโญกุล


A qualitative study of narrative device of internet fiction in Thai society aims to explore narrative device of internet fiction in the Thai context. The data is collected through in – depth interview and textual analysis. The findings reveal that internet fiction was influenced by traditional storytelling of romance genre and attributes of Web 2.0. As a result, internet fiction adjusted to become more contemporary reflecting in its story, conversational writing and multimedia storytelling. The recent aesthetics of internet fiction blurred the line of high art and mass art in Thai society. In addition, writers affected by readers in collaborative process indirectly through observation on trends of fiction popularity and comments of readers in Thailand’s online literary communities.

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kranchanapinyo, rattikorn ., & AKARACHANTACHOTE, P. . (2020). Narrative Device of Internet Fiction in Thai Society. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 45–58. retrieved from
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