The Choreography on Praloh Episode "Suek Hong Prai" from Theory of Minimalism

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Supot JuKlin
Suphanee Boonpeng


The creation of dancing art on Phra Loh literature in the episode of "Suek Hongprai" is intended to study the concepts and steps of the creative process in performing of dancing art in Phra Loh literature in the episode of "Suek Hongprai", and in order to develop the knowledge garnered and pass on the ideas and the creation of styles, gestures, theatrical performances on Phra Loh in the episode of "Suek Hongprai".There are 7 creative steps as follows: 1) Defining the main conceptual framework and the scope of the performing content, 2) Defining the format of the performance, 3) Presentation of the conceptual framework and the form of the performance, 4) Music selection, 5) Performing selection, 6) Selection of equipment and costume design, and 7) The creation of gesture and the trial performance.

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How to Cite
JuKlin, S. ., & Boonpeng, S. . (2020). The Choreography on Praloh Episode "Suek Hong Prai" from Theory of Minimalism. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 59–70. retrieved from
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