Motivation Affecting Social Network Exposure Behaviors Running and the Common Sense of Community on Facebook Fan Page “ThaiRun” Hub Happiness of Runner

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กฤตพร ขะวิลัย


The objectives of this research is to study the motivation affecting social network exposure about running behaviors and the common sense of community on Facebook fan page “ThaiRun” hub happiness of runners. This research is a quantitative research are used a convenience sampling and used online questionnaire for 400 people to study media exposure motivation and running behaviors that are related to the common sense of community of Facebook fan page ThaiRun hub happiness of runners and check the accuracy of content by professor. The results showed common sense of online community through social network it could more easily than traditional societies. Because online communities are opportunity for everyone to show their knowledge, comments or expressions about the content without limitation that the person showing a comment or an emotion how old is the opinions? What is graduation course? Or what is your occupation? So, resulting participation and sharing. This allows for emotional expression, the receiver and the sender to have a variety of feelings for each other. For example, motivation for running, the benefits of running, knowledge of health applies for running makes feeling good like having a friend who always gives advice running principles and to be happy exchange communication on Facebook, ThaiRun fan page hub happiness of runner. This can create a common sense of community.

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How to Cite
ขะวิลัย ก. . (2020). Motivation Affecting Social Network Exposure Behaviors Running and the Common Sense of Community on Facebook Fan Page “ThaiRun” Hub Happiness of Runner. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 156–168. retrieved from
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