Customer Experience Management on the “New Normal”

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Teerawan Opasbut
Ploychanok Sanartit


The propose of this article is to present about customer experience management during the Covid-19 situation which every business will need to adapt to the “New Normal”, basic requirement and safety precaution during the corona virus breakout especially the “Services Business”. The organization still needs to provide the services at the same standard to get the customer satisfaction while the social distancing and disinfection protocol must be applied. This article will talking about the case study from the services provider that have adapted their services to comply with the social distancing enforcement by creating image and telling stories about products and services. The organizations have to create an convenient way for customers to use the distribution channel.

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How to Cite
Opasbut, T. ., & Sanartit, P. . (2020). Customer Experience Management on the “New Normal”. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 169–180. retrieved from
Research Articles


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