The Analysis of THOR God of Thunder Using Propp’s Structural Theory of the Folktale

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Somkiat Sriphech
Sirichai Sirikaya


This study aims to analyze the structure of the movie “Thor: God of Thunder” by using the concept of Propp’s 31 Functions of folklores. The syntagmatic analysis method was conducted to study this movie. The study found that some of the functions existed in the movie but didn’t appear orderly. Because of the context of contemporary film and the style of presentation, the structure found in this movie wasn’t following Prop’s concept.

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How to Cite
Sriphech, S. ., & Sirikaya, S. . (2020). The Analysis of THOR God of Thunder Using Propp’s Structural Theory of the Folktale. Siam Communication Review, 19(2), 248–259. retrieved from


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