The Viewing Behavior and Satisfaction and the Utilization of Watching E-SPORT Competition in the Form of Streaming via FACEBOOK of Kasem Bundit University Students
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The purpose of this research is 1) to study the behavior of audience exposure towards the E-SPORT competition in the form of streaming via Facebook of KasemBundit University students. 2) To study the Satisfied with the audience viewing towards the E-SPORT streaming format through KasemBundit University's Facebook students. 3) To study the benefits of watching E-SPORT sports from gamers. In streaming via Facebook of students at KasemBundit University The sample group used in this research was a sample group of students from KasemBundit University who were happy. Like to watch 400 sets of E-SPORT streaming by calculating the sample size using Taroyamane's formula and the Simple Random Sampling method. The research consisted of questionnaires and the questionnaires were collected for analysis. And data processing using statistical computer software To calculate statistics for answers to objectives.
The research found that The behavior in watching the E-SPORT competition in the form of streaming via Facebook of KasemBundit University students. Most of them use smartphones to watch and watch during 18.01-24.00 hrs. By watching for 2-5 hours per day Most of the viewers are streaming E-SPORT via Facebook. The frequency is 3-4 days per week. The viewing place is at home or dormitory. Most viewers are watching 2-3 times per streaming and watching it alone.
Most respondents, while watching, have over 1000 viewers and E-SPORT streaming via Facebook. Action games are the type of games that people have Most respondents watched, with most respondents viewing the game as PUBG number 1 and playing with the hypothesis themselves as characters that have played or viewed, most responded that The respondents never assumed that they were the characters that the respondents were watching.
Research results on satisfaction from the viewing of E-SPORT in the form of streaming through KasemBundit University's Facebook channel, students are satisfied with the variety of E-SPORT streaming via Facebook. Which is satisfied when watch the most comedic E-SPORT streaming, followed by satisfaction? When watching the streaming E-SPORT competition that teaches you how to play along with streaming.
Benefits of watching the E-SPORT competition in the form of streaming via Facebook of KasemBundit University students. From the research, it is found that the viewers benefit from The best use of free time when watching the most E-SPORT streaming event, followed by Is to benefit and get to know how to play and the various playing styles within the game when watching the streaming E-SPORT competition.
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