Lakhon Chatri (Online Performance): The New Normal Adaptation Case study of Facebook Page “Continuing and Preserving of Lakhon Chatri from Phetchaburi”

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Jutarat Karakate


The article "Lakhon Chatri (Online Performance): The New Normal Adaptation. Case study of Facebook page “Continuing and Preserving of Lakhon Chatri from Phetchaburi”. This article aims to study the adaptation of Lakhon Chatri (Online Performance) using documentation, live performance online and in-depth interview with troupe leader and dance-drama performers. The study shows that there are 7 process of form adaptation: 1) Reduce the presentation of the ritual. 2) Adjust the story according to the talent of the performers and practice. 3) Maintain identity of the performance by changing the blocking and performance area by camera angle adjustment. 4) All Male actors 5) Scenes and Costumes applied from Lakorn Thai. 6) Changing the position due to Social Distancing policy. 7) Creating interaction with audience by adding moderators before the show and having conversation through chat box. Lakhon Chatri (Online Performance) is driven by artists who strive to find a solution for themselves in a crisis by adapting the presentation of media and the new lifestyle of the artist and audience causing the new form of creation and also creating a social trend.

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How to Cite
Karakate, J. . (2021). Lakhon Chatri (Online Performance): The New Normal Adaptation Case study of Facebook Page “Continuing and Preserving of Lakhon Chatri from Phetchaburi”. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 20(1), 220–237. Retrieved from


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