Line Stickers Design for Line Application “Farm ChaoKhun by KMITL”

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ฉัตรแก้ว มาสุโมโตะ
Rattama Rattanawongsa


The objectives of this research were to design and develop LINE stickers and study the satisfaction with the LINE stickers. The researchers of “Farm ChaoKhun’s by KMITL” have designed the draft of the characters by using a rooster as the guide. This guide is used in the development of the main character and the sixteen LINE stickers characters by using a computer program. As for the study of the satisfaction with “Farm ChaoKhun’s by KMITL” LINE stickers, the researchers have studied the sample groups consisting of the “Farm Chao Khun” customer group, personnel who are associated with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, students at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, and 125 people of the general public. The research found that the satisfaction with “Farm ChaoKhun’s by KMITL” LINE stickers is overall high (Average = 4.41). The evaluation topics with the highest satisfaction is the practicality of the LINE stickers, the look of the LINE stickers characters, the overall satisfaction with the “Farm ChaoKhun’s” LINE stickers, the level of how the LINE stickers are interesting, the use of colors, the suitability, the uniqueness of the LINE stickers, and the lasting impression, respectively.

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How to Cite
มาสุโมโตะ ฉ. ., & Rattanawongsa, R. . (2021). Line Stickers Design for Line Application “Farm ChaoKhun by KMITL”. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 20(2), 63–73. Retrieved from
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