Information Exposure for Informal Learning and Utilization of People's Learning In Urban Areas

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Tassnee Domkerngsak


This research aims to study the information exposure for informal learning utilization of people's learning In urban areas.In addition, the study of information exposure for informal learning was related to the utilization of informal learning among people in urban areas. The sample group in this research was people living in Bangkok, 50 districts. A questionnaire of 510 respondents was analyzed by descriptive statistics using percentage, mean and presenting the data by frequency distribution table of percentage and mean. Inference Statistics in Hypothesis Testing Using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

The results of the research revealed that the samples were exposed to information according to the objectives of informal learning in each of the following areas: 1. Life skills development with the objective of exposure to media for stress management to relax entertain at the highest level (Average 3.90) 2. Career development or use in work with the objective of receiving media for use in work, academic work or documents according to the most interest (Mean 3.96). 3. Social and community development with the objective of receiving media for the conservation of natural resources and environment (Mean 3.99). 4. The type of content that the sample group liked the most from media exposure was entertainment content such as various video clips (Mean 4.07). The most informative knowledge was that the media had correct content, all-round, according to their interests (Average 3. 98). The overall utilization of information exposure for informal learning was at a high level (Mean3.79) found that information exposure for informal learning was significantly related to utilization of informal learning among people in urban areas in the same direction, statistically significant at the 0.01 level, it is based on the assumptions and positively correlated.

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How to Cite
Domkerngsak, T. . (2022). Information Exposure for Informal Learning and Utilization of People’s Learning In Urban Areas. Siam Communication Review, 21(2), 272–285. retrieved from
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