Approaches and Narrative Techniques of TV Drama for Promoting Thai Cuisine Culture : A Case Study of ‘Pad Thai, The Secret Recipe’

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Sorarat Jirabovornwisut


This creative research aims to study approaches and narrative techniques for creating the TV drama script in order to promote Thai cuisine culture. This study was developed from research to expand awareness to wider society. Moreover, this study was analyzed the audience’s results to develop this project as the innovation of Thai TV drama script for supporting creative industries in the future.

The results of the study in terms of approach and narrative technique revealed that this TV drama script was narrated through a number of components such as plot, theme, conflict, character, point of view, setting and special symbol to narrate Pad Thai’s background story and diversity in three generations, World War II era, Transitional era, and Food Innovation era. All of the techniques were applied to time and place overlap by direct characters’ experiences, reminiscence and dream to represent social and cultural contexts and memorable events which leads this TV drama script to be a lived story.

The results of online platform audience analysis from 337 viewers were positive as following. Firstly, 32 percent of the audiences admired characters and actors as the most because they could convey the viewpoint of humanity in deeply details. Secondly, 20.5 percent of the audiences supported to produce qualified TV drama for Thai Cultural Promotion. Finally, 15.8 percent of the audiences expressed that this story made them appreciate and impress in the warm family.

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How to Cite
Jirabovornwisut, S. . (2023). Approaches and Narrative Techniques of TV Drama for Promoting Thai Cuisine Culture : A Case Study of ‘Pad Thai, The Secret Recipe’. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(2), 33–55. Retrieved from
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