Knowledge of Underwater Photography Using Natural Light

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Kittithat Srifa


Underwater photography using natural light involves using natural light to create underwater images without the need for additional artificial light. Underwater photography with natural light requires specific techniques because underwater light is different from light on the surface. Underwater light consists of blue and green hues with lower intensity than surface light. Using camera light sensors that can adjust to high and low sensitivity, along with appropriate ISO adjustments, helps to achieve clear and beautiful images. Additionally, color filters are used to balance the colors in the images, making them look complete and balanced, especially when shooting in environments with increased underwater light and color. Thus, underwater photography with natural light requires skill and experience from the underwater photographer to produce beautiful and high-quality images.

The tools used in the research employ experimental methods or field trials, gathering primary data from underwater photography. Repeated underwater photography using natural light is conducted to gain knowledge. The research results show that 1. Underwater photos must have sharpness; 2. The color of underwater photos should be vivid or close to reality under normal light conditions, without alteration or deviation from the true colors; 3. Appropriate composition is necessary to make the images beautiful and communicative; 4. The direction of natural light used must be suitable for the intended communication purpose of the photo, and there should be no artificial light mixed within the underwater images.

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How to Cite
Srifa, K. . (2023). Knowledge of Underwater Photography Using Natural Light. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(2), 113–127. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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