Nonverbal Communication through Makeup of Thai Northeastern Folksingers (Morlum)

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Krit Kamnon


This article aimed to analyze characteristics and dynamics of nonverbal communication identities through the makeup of Thai northeastern folksingers. The study revealed that folksingers' makeups were sign language and concluded as nonverbal communication in three aspects: gestures, artifacts (items and images), and paralinguistics (such as volume or tone of voice). Furthermore, text was formed in situations during folk singing performances by self-expression through folksinger makeup. The application of codes in makeup resulted in a dynamic of identities as a level of meta-communication, resulting in different makeup of folksingers. Thus, the alteration of forms and characteristics altered human perceptions in numerous outcomes, resulting in enjoyment and enthusiasm known as the moment of happiness between senders and receivers.

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How to Cite
Kamnon, K. . (2023). Nonverbal Communication through Makeup of Thai Northeastern Folksingers (Morlum). SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(2), 292–302. Retrieved from


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