
  • Jamnean Joungtrakul Kalasin University
  • Nawasanan Wongprasit Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Wichit Seangsawang Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Vipawan Klinhom Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University


Higher education, management, Turbulent Time, disruptive technology, COVID-19, Challenges, Competency, University President, Thailand


Higher education all over the world, including Thailand, is now in crisis. Thai universities have been struggling for survival for the past decade. They have been facing at least two major challenges: demographic change and disruptive technologies. These challenges led to a decreased number of new student enrollments. The present pandemic of COVID-19 is adding to existing challenges, makes them more complicated and severely affects the survival of universities, especially the autonomous universities. This time in our history could be called a turbulent time. To be able to respond to the current and future changes and be able to lead the university to overcome various problems and obstacles being faced, the president must have an essential leadership plus management knowledge and skills or competencies in managing the various changes that affect the university. Therefore, one of the most important questions that requires an answer is: what is the essential competency required of a Thai autonomous university president during these turbulent times and after the COVID-19 pandemic? This paper will propose the essential competencies for Thai autonomous university presidents in order for their institutions to survive during the turbulent times and after the pandemic of COVID-19.


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