
  • Suraporn Onputtha Silpakorn University International College, Silpakorn University
  • Chalermporn Siriwichai Silpakorn University International College, Silpakorn University


Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Green Business Performance, Automobile Manufacturers


This study had objective to develop and confirm the measurement model of green business performance in automobile manufacturers in Thailand. The samples were of 400 employees who are working in automobile manufacturers. Purposive and proportion sampling method were used to distribute the questionnaire, which was developed as a research instrument. The data analysis employed second- order confirmatory analysis. The study indicates that green business performance in automobile manufacturers in Thailand consists of 3 dimensions with 19 indicators with model fit indices: p-value of 0.000, CMIN/df of 1.950, GFI of 0.956, AGFI of 0.911, RMSEA of 0.049, RMR of 0.009, CFI of 0.992, TLI of 0.985, and NFI of 0.983. Furthermore, environmental performance with 7 indicators has the most influential factor loading as of 0.954, then followed by social performance with 6 indicators with factor loading as of 0.953 and economic performance with 6 indicators with factor loading as of 0.873, respectively. The study result can be applied by the automotive manufacturers to measure and guide their sustainable business success.



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