
  • Myint Myint Khin Innovative Technology Management, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University
  • Kitti Phothikitti Innovative Technology Management, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University
  • Rawin Vongurai Innovative Technology Management, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University


Smart Manufacturing Adoption, Perceived Value, Perceived Cost, Perceived Compatibility, Perceived Market Transparency, Transformational Leadership


The purpose of this research is to investigating factors of smart manufacturing integration of digital technology (SMDT) adoption of food manufacturing companies in Mandalay. The conceptual framework is presented on how perceived value, perceived cost, perceived compatibility, perceived market transparency, strategic road mapping for smart manufacturing, transformational leadership, imposition by environment influence on SMDT adoption and implementation. This study employed the quantitative method using the questionnaire. Prior to data collection, the content validity was tested with Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) and Cronbach alpha. The samples of 500 respondents were collected from online and offline survey by using multistage sampling with probability and non-probability sampling including judgmental sampling, stratified random sampling, snowball sampling and convenience sampling to reach target respondents. The study applied the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to analyze the data and confirm goodness-of-fit of the model and hypotheses. The results indicated that most variables have significant influence on SMDT adoption except perceived costs, perceived compatibility and imposition by the environment. SMDT adoption exhibited the strongest influence on SMDT implementation. Additionally, the company decision for adopting SMDT among Myanmar food industry determines a collection of technological, organizational and environmental factors. In conclusion, the study will potentially benefit for Myanmar Agri- food manufacturing enterprises’ owners, by adopting digital technology in digital 4.0. Keyword: Smart Manufacturing Adoption, Perceived Value, Perceived Cost, Perceived Compatibility, Perceived Market Transparency, Transformational Leadership


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How to Cite

Myint Khin, M. ., Phothikitti, K. ., & Vongurai, R. . (2021). INFLUENCING FACTORS ON SMART MANUFACTURING INTEGRATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION OF FOOD MANUFACTURERS IN MANDALAY . วารสารวิชาการการตลาดและการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลธัญบุรี, 8(2), 136–153. สืบค้น จาก