Thai Traditional Songs on the Piano for Children’s Concentration and Memory

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Jakwida Leaknim
Komson Wongwan
Kasetchai Laeheem


The purposes of this research were to compile Thai traditional
music to play on the piano for children’s concentration and memory. The
research was based on the historical musicology approach with the use
of ethnomusicology method in interviewing and gathering information.
The research resulted in 9 pieces of piano music for Thai traditional songs
that are well-known and popular among traditional troupes. The first
category is music used to accompany performances in the Southern part,
particularly Nang Talung (shadow puppet show): Patcha song (a type of
melody of Thai folk music), These song are commonly used by most Nang
Talung troupes out of a total of 12 songs usually played. The next category Khaek Mon Bang Khun Phrom, Ratri Pradap Dao, Khamen La-o-on, Khap
Mai Bando, and Kham Wan. Another category is music used to accompany
Rong-ngeng Dance of the Southern part which is Lakhu duwo; and last is
the song composed by the researcher called “Kluay Mai” or orchids which,
in addition to being played on the piano, ca

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How to Cite
Leaknim, J., Wongwan, K., & Laeheem, K. (2018). Thai Traditional Songs on the Piano for Children’s Concentration and Memory. Parichart Journal, 31(2), 59–87. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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