The The Success Factors Affecting Logistics Service Providers in Thailand
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Situations are constantly changing and beyond the scope of the organization's management. As a result, entrepreneurs must realize the importance of resource management and utilization of the existing capabilities in the organization so that these can be used in directing, monitor, and control the operation systematically. Therefore, this article aims to study the internal factors that make the logistics service business successful under the Resource-Based Theory and quantitative research methods. The data were collected with a research questionnaire through content-based quality from experts and the Human Ethics Committee at Naresuan University. This applies to representatives of 360 logistics providers who have passed the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system certification or quality standards. The management of logistics services business includes using a confirmation element analysis to assess the cause-and-effect relationships between the research variables. From the research results, it was found that the factors that make a business successful arose from the factors of logistics service capability more than a factor of salient logistics resource. The information can be used as a guideline for improving and developing the resource management in the organization to suit the actual work and respond to the needs of customers on time.
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