A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Green Human Resource Management Practices: A Case Study of the Companies in Sustainable Stocks List from the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Thantip Pojsupap
Orathai Wanitdee Wanitdee
Rungarun Khasasin
Arjaree Prachuabmoh


This research objectives were to analyze the confirmatory factor of green human resource management practices (GHRM) and to validate the consistency of the GHRM model and empirical data. The samples were 340 employees of the companies in Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) list from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Data was collected by using a 5-level Likert questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis using with LISREL program. The research results were as follows. 1) Green human resource management practices consisted of 3 factors including developing green abilities (GAB), motivating green employees (GMO) and creating green opportunities (GOP) with factor loading ranging between 0.73–0.88 at 0.01 statistical significant level. 2) The measurement model of green human resource management practices was consistent with the empirical data. Relative chi-square = 1.632, GFI = 0.95, AGFI = 0.92, NFI = 0.99, CFI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.043, RMR = 0.033, CN = 249.51. The composition reliability values (gif.latex?\dpi{100}&space;\fn_phv&space;\dpi{100}&space;\fn_phv&space;{P}_c) for all constructs were above 0.70 and the average variance extracted values (gif.latex?\dpi{100}&space;\fn_phv&space;{P}_v) for all constructs were above 0.50. This measurement model demonstrates good reliability and validity which can be a useful instrument for measuring green human resource management practices.

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How to Cite
Pojsupap, T. ., Wanitdee, O. W., Khasasin, R. ., & Prachuabmoh, A. . (2022). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Green Human Resource Management Practices: A Case Study of the Companies in Sustainable Stocks List from the Stock Exchange of Thailand . Parichart Journal, 35(3), 227–249. https://doi.org/10.55164/pactj.v35i3.252298
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