A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Online Service Quality of Tourism Businesses in Phuket
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The purpose of this research is to analyze a confirmatory factor of online service quality of tourism businesses in Phuket, and to check accuracy of confirmative elements of the online service quality structure. The variables used in the research consisted of measuring the quality of the electronic services (e-Service Quality). The sample consisted of 350 Thai tourists traveling in the Phuket province using non-probability sampling and convenience sampling methods. The research instrument was a questionnaire. It was found that the confirmatory factors of the 11 electronic service quality (e-SQ), sorting from highest weights values to lowest weights values were 1) Customization/Personalization 0.76, 2) Ease of Navigation 0.65, 3) Efficiency 0.65, 4) Security/Privacy 0.60, 5) Responsiveness 0.59, 6) Flexibility 0.59, 7) Reliability 0.68, 8) Access 0.58 9) Site Aesthetics 0.57, 10) Assurance/Trust 0.54, and 11) Price Knowledge 0.50 respectively. As a result, the model in accordance was fit with the empirical data with Chi-square value of 37.64, df = 30, p = 0.15929, GFI = 0.997, AGFI = 0.98, RMR = 0.026, RMSEA = 0.027 which passed the specified criteria.
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