The Effects of Destination Image on Revisiting Intention to East Asia of Thai Generation Y Independent Travelers

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Jutaluck Saipang
Wanlanai Saiprasert


The objectives of this study were to 1) investigate the personal data and tourist behavior of Thai generation Y independent travelers in East Asia, and 2) examine the effect of destination image on revisiting intention to East Asia of Thai generation Y independent travelers. The data from 300 respondents was obtained by using the sample with the questionnaire as the research tool. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze the data. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was the statistics utilized to verify the hypothesis. The data was then analyzed using stepwise multiple regression analysis which was inferential statistics.  The research results regarding the effects of destination image on revisiting intention to East Asia of Thai generation Y independent travelers revealed that there were three factors that affected the intention to revisit in East Asia with the statistically significance at the 0.05 levels: 1) the social and cultural image 2) a reputation image, and 3) a relaxing image.

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How to Cite
Saipang, J., & Saiprasert, W. . (2022). The Effects of Destination Image on Revisiting Intention to East Asia of Thai Generation Y Independent Travelers. Parichart Journal, 35(4), 183–199.
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