Guideline for Developing Processed Mak Mao Beverages in Accordance with Consumers’ Point of View in Sakon Nakhon Province
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This research aims to study the factor analysis of guidelines for developing processed Mak Mao beverages in accordance with consumers’ points of view in Sakon Nakhon Province. The samples were 455 consumers of processed products from Mak Mao in Sakon Nakhon Province. The instrument used was a questionnaire and a component analysis was conducted. The oblique rotation axis by varimax method and approximation by maximum like hood method was applied. After that, a validation check of the model was performed. The results of the confirmation component analysis showed the KMO of .912. The Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity contained the statistical significance of .000 showing that the data were related and could be used for component analysis. The results of the component analysis consisted of 4 components: 1) marketing promotion by encouraging product testing, 2) the product improved to be portable and convenient, 3) color and teste beautifully developed, and 4) distribution channel needed to be increased. Moreover, and the confirmatory components by analyzing structural equation models of the guideline for Mak Mao beverage processed product development to consumers’ point of view in Sakon Nakhon province have shown to be consistent with the empirical data and to have structural integrity.
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