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นิติกร พงษ์ไพบูลย์
วิสาขา ภู่จินดา


This study aims to study activities of the Sampran Model project, problems, and obstacles of the activities and to investigate lessons learned of the project in social, economic, and environmental dimensions and to propose guidelines to promote and improve the projects. Interviews to the Managing Director of the Sampran Riverside Hotel and eleven farmers’ representatives. The activities in the project include such as the Sookjai market and the Sookjai Sunjorn market which the farmers sell organic products and Sookjai Organic Community Enterprise, etc.

The problems and obstacles of the project are that farmers still have gotten used to the traditional way of using chemicals in agriculture and seed for organic farming has been shortage. In addition, farmers lack of knowledge, such as postharvest management, marketing, etc. And some of the organic yields are abundant, resulting in overcapacity. Moreover, consumers still lack knowledge about organic agriculture and some of them get used to eat beautiful products. Lessons learned in a social dimension involve a network between consumers, farmers, agencies, and educational institutions. For economy dimension, farmers income and marketing channels has increased and for environmental dimension, farmers reduce chemicals in agriculture, restoring soil quality and surrounding environment and use existing resources for maximum benefit and seed preservation. The development and promotion guidelines of Sampran Model project. Include e.g. supports marketing channels and organic certification, government and educational institutions support knowledge and budget, organize activities for consumers to visit farmers, and Sookjai Organic Community Enterprise support overflowing production, etc.

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How to Cite
พงษ์ไพบูลย์ น., & ภู่จินดา ว. (2018). SUCCESS LESSON OF SAMPRAN MODEL. Ph.D. In Social Sciences Journal, 8(2), 280–293. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

วิสาขา ภู่จินดา, Director of Research, National Institute of Development Administration

ผู้อำนวยการสำนักวิจัย สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์


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