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จุฑาทิพย์ เดชยางกูร
ระพีพรรณ พิริยะกุล
สมพล ทุ่งหว้า


In this dissertation, the researcher studies (1) the levels of perception at which consumers perceive environmental consumer behaviors, a man-nature perspective, a generative perspective, symbolic-environmental harmony, functional-environmental harmony, emotional-environmental harmony, environmental consciousness, and proactive environmental consumer behaviors. The researcher also describes, analyzes and evaluates (2) the proactive environmental promotion behavior model developed for this investigation.

The sample population consisted of Bangkok Metropolis consumers and purchasers of products, all of whom were twenty years of age or older with the stratified simple random design.

Findings are as follows: The perceptions of consumers’ vis-à-vis the aspect of a generative perspective positively influenced three harmony aspects at a statistically significant level. Consumer perceptions of the aspect of a man-nature perspective solely exerted positive influence on functional-environmental harmony and emotional-environmental harmony. Consumer perceptions in respect to the aspect of symbolic-environmental harmony negatively influenced environmental consciousness.Consumer perceptions concerning the aspects of functional environmental harmony and emotional-environmental harmony positively influenced environmental consciousness. Consumer perceptions in the aspect of environmental consciousness positively influenced proactive environmental consumer behaviors at the greatest statistically significant difference with a coefficient difference at 1.240.

The major factor affecting proactive environmental consumer behaviors was consumer perception of a generative perspective. It affected the transmitting factors of symbolic environmental harmony, functional-environmental harmony, and emotional-environmental harmony at a high level of 1.524, 1.468, and 1.316, respectively.

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How to Cite
เดชยางกูร จ., พิริยะกุล ร., & ทุ่งหว้า ส. (2018). A MODEL FOR THE PROMOTION OF PROACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUMER BEHAVIORS. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 8(2), 251–264. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phdssj/article/view/102419
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