The Influence of Thai Nurse Leadership Style on Job Performance with the Mediating Role of Professional Involvement: The Evidence of Bangkok Dusit Medical Service

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Chariyaporn Srisangwarn
Rapeepun Piriyakul
Wongtheera Suwannin


Due to the gap of previous studies on the operational leadership style and the spiritual care of Thai Nurse Leadership, this study aimed to investigate the effect of Thai Nurse Leadership Style on two dimensions: the relationship commitment and the resource support commitment toward job performance with the professional involvement (peer and self- support as the reflexive second-order factor model) as a mediator. The study conducted by using sample survey of 405 nursing staff of Bangkok Dusit Medical Service Hospital with the research instruments was questionnaires of reliability coefficients were 0.82 to 0.86.

The research found that the means score the overall average of the two dimensions of Thai Nurse Leadership, professional involvement, and job performance were 4.107, 4.161, 4.171 and 4.283 respectively. With the theory driven model-based approach, the causal model was shown that the professional involvement was a complete mediator of the relationship commitment (reflexive to relational and affective commitment) and job performance with statistical high significance. Finally, we found that the dominant characteristic of Thai Operational Leadership Style such Thai Nurse Leadership Style is the capability of relationship commitment management.

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How to Cite
Srisangwarn, C., Piriyakul, R., & Suwannin, W. (2018). The Influence of Thai Nurse Leadership Style on Job Performance with the Mediating Role of Professional Involvement: The Evidence of Bangkok Dusit Medical Service. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 8(3), 26–39. retrieved from
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