The Moderating Effects of Customer Relationship Management on the Building of Sustainable Customer Loyalty in the Gems and Jewelry Industry
Main Article Content
In this dissertation, the researcher studies (1) product quality, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, trust, and the loyalty of gems and jewelry industry customers. The researcher also examines (2) the influence of product quality, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and trust on customer loyalty as based on ACS.I Model.). and (3) the moderating effects of customer relationship management on changes in the relationships between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and between trust and customer loyalty.
In this mixed-methods research approach, In the quantitative phase of research, the researcher constituted of 500 Samples and using a questionnaire as an instrument of research, the researcher subsequently collected germane data from the members of the sample. In the qualitative phase of research, the researcher carried out individual in-depth interviews with key informants. The informants were 13 gem and jewelry industry administrators. Findings are as follows:
In respect to all latent variables, the researcher found that product quality, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and trust exhibited means at a high level. The linking of the latent variables reflects the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model.
Furthermore, the researcher found that customer relationship management did not influence the relationships between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and between trust and customer loyalty at a statistically significant level. However, there was a tendency for conditional direct effects to influence the relationships between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and between trust and customer loyalty.
Article Details
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