The Development of Learning Information System to Improve Research Competence for Academic Staff at Rajabhat University

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Thanaporn Chaimongkol
Wuthipon Sakonkiat
Wanwipa Chatuchai
Sathit Nakkrasae


This is a quantitative research article aiming to (1) study the research problems of academic staff at Rajabhat University (2) to develop research competencies of academic staff at Rajabhat University through learning information systems, and (3) to evaluate the research competencies of academic staff at Rajabhat University through learning information systems. The samples in quantitative research were 240 academic personnel of 38 Rajabhat Universities in 5 regions. Multistage cluster sampling and statistics were used to compare the mean between two sampling groups (t - test for Independent) by computer program to analyze the data.

The results are as follows: (1) The highest competencies necessary and required for the development of academic research consist of 4 competencies. (2) Framework for drafting the learning information systems to develop research competencies of academic staff were found to be appropriate and every issue was consistent. (3) After testing the learning information systems with the sample of 40 academic staff at Rajabhat University who hadn’t done the research projects, the results showed that the samples had higher research competencies before testing and the sample group was satisfied with the use of information systems to develop research competencies at the highest level in all aspects.

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How to Cite
Chaimongkol, T., Sakonkiat, W., Chatuchai, W., & Nakkrasae, S. (2021). The Development of Learning Information System to Improve Research Competence for Academic Staff at Rajabhat University. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 11(3), 721–733. retrieved from
Research Article


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