Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement of Employees in the Wood and Furniture Industry in Thailand

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Piyamas Suesawadwanit
Piyachat Jarutirasarn
Kriengkriyos Punthai


The objectives of this research are (1) to study the overall influences, direct and indirect influences of factors Influencing organizational commitment and work engagement of employees in the wood and furniture Industry in Thailand and (2) to verify the consistency of the causal model with the empirical data. The researcher used the quantitative research by distributing 322 questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. In inferential statistics, the researcher employed the technique of structural equation modeling (SEM) with the LISREL program.

The results of the research showed that factors Influencing organizational commitment and work engagement of employees consisted of the followings: Career Advancement Opportunity was the most direct influence on organizational commitment influence, equal to 0.187, Organizational Commitment was direct influence on work engagement influence, equal to 0.518, the satisfaction with the supervisor was a direct influence on work engagement influence, equal to 0.369, statistically significant at 0.001 level. After software package processing was performed to test the consistency of the structural equation model, it was found that all indices indicated above passed the benchmark, namely, Chi-square/df = 1.736, SRMR = 0.048, CFI = 0.970, NFI = 0.934, TLI = 0.964, and RMSEA = 0.051. It can be concluded that the results of this analysis are consistent with the empirical data.

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How to Cite
Suesawadwanit, P., Jarutirasarn, P., & Punthai, K. (2021). Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement of Employees in the Wood and Furniture Industry in Thailand. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 11(3), 665–679. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phdssj/article/view/216387
Research Article


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