Technology and Marketing Capabilities Management for Business Retention of the Thai SMEs Publishing Industry

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Supot Rattanapun
Napaporn Khantanapha
Rapeepun Piriyakul


This research article aimed to study the level of marketing capability management, technology capability management, adaptive capability management, and business retention. To study the structural model factors of marketing capability management and technology capability management that affect the existence of business retention through factors supporting adaptive capability management. This study is mixed-methods research. The questionnaires were used with a sample of 207 small and medium business owners and directors. The hypothesis tests were analyzed with causal relationship analysis, variable relationship, and find the level of factors that have an overall influence on the structural equation model.

The result of the research shows that marketing capability management affects the strategic early warning with a path coefficient of 0.247, change management with a path coefficient of 0.553, and resilience management with a path coefficient of 0.292. It was also found that technological capability management was affecting strategic early warning with a path coefficient of 0.292, change management with a path coefficient of 0.233 and that marketing capability management has an indirect positive effect and a statistically significant impact at the level of .01 on the SMEs’ business retention with the path coefficient at 0.320, with resilience management with the path coefficient at 0.406 as a competent mediator.

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How to Cite
Rattanapun, S., Khantanapha, N., & Piriyakul, R. (2022). Technology and Marketing Capabilities Management for Business Retention of the Thai SMEs Publishing Industry. Ph.D. In Social Sciences Journal, 12(2), 504–518. Retrieved from
Research Article


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