Virtual Workspace Management in the Mobility, Job Design and Team Network View on the Organizational Productivity

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Tanaset Morasilpin
Napaporn Khantanapha
Rapeepun Piriyakul


This research article has the following objectives (1) Study the level of perception of the administration of the virtual workplace management in the dimension of mobility, Job design, and team networks on a firm’s productivity. And (2) Study the intermediary factor of the ability to work in multiple tasks of the administration of the virtual workspace management that affects organizational productivity. It is quantitative research. The research instrument was a questionnaire of 200 people working in different areas outside the company. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were confirmation factor analysis and structural equation analysis (SEM).

The research results found that: the team network and mobility have a positive influence on super tasking, with statistical significance at the .01 level. The path coefficient was 0.597 and 0.251, respectively. And super tasking has a positive influence on productivity, with statistical significance, at the .001 level, the path coefficient was 0.642. And it was found that the team network factor with the highest total influence was 0.383 with statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Morasilpin, T., Khantanapha, N., & Piriyakul, R. (2022). Virtual Workspace Management in the Mobility, Job Design and Team Network View on the Organizational Productivity. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 12(2), 519–534. retrieved from
Research Article


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