A Comparative Analysis of Partial Structural Models on Brand Equity Affecting Consumers’ Repurchase Intent on Thai Chili Paste Products in Each Generation
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This research article aims to study the influence of brand equity on the repurchase intent of one brand of Thai chili paste, Classified by consumer groups in each age group (generation). The sample group used in the research was a group of 482 consumers who used to buy a certain brand of Thai chili paste through the supermarket channel and returned to buy it again. It was survey research, and a questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. Inferential statistics were used to test the hypothesis by using partial least squares structure model analysis (PLS-SEM).
The results of the research reveal that: the conformity test of the structural equation model compared with the criteria was consistent at a good level. Based on the analysis of the influence of four path variables at the level of statistical significance of 0.05, the results showed that each generation had different influences on brand equity and repurchase intent as follows: Gen-X was influenced by perceived quality and brand loyalty. Gen-Y is influenced by brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. Gen-Z is influenced by brand association and brand loyalty, and when considering all generations Influencing brand awareness, perceived quality, brand connectivity, and brand loyalty It can be seen that the factor of brand loyalty will affect the repurchase intentions of consumers in every generation.
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